香桃木(Myrtus communis)是桃金娘科香桃木属常绿阔叶灌木,树高1.5~2.4m,老枝淡红色、4棱,小枝密集。单叶交互对生,在枝顶部常4枚近轮生。叶革质,长椭圆形或卵状披针形,先端尖,有光泽,羽状脉,全缘,有腺点,无托叶,揉搓后具香味。深绿色,入冬后部分幼树的叶片转为紫红色。花小、白色、辐射对称,常单生于叶腋,或5朵排列成聚伞花序。萼管陀螺形,裂片4~5。花瓣4~5,雄蕊多如睫毛、分离、排成多轮。花丝纤细、长而柔,花药背着或基着,纵裂,黄色。子房下位,2~3室,每室有胚珠多数。全年均能开花,杭州地区花期为5月末至6月下旬。浆果,球形,状
Myrtus communis Myrtus myrtaceae evergreen broad-leaved shrubs, tree height 1.5 ~ 2.4m, old branches pink, 4 edges, twigs dense. Single leaf reciprocal counterparts, often in the top of the branch 4 near rotation. Leaves leathery, oblong or ovate-lanceolate, apex-cusp, shiny, pinnate, margin, glandular, without stipules, fragrant after rubbing. Dark green, after winter leaves of some saplings turned fuchsia. Flowers small, white, symmetrical radiation, often single leaf axils, or 5 arranged in a cyme. Calyx tube gyroscope, lobes 4 ~ 5. Petals 4 ~ 5, stamens and more as eyelashes, separated, arranged in multiple rounds. Slender filaments, long and soft, anthers back or basil, longitudinal split, yellow. Ovary inferior, 2 to 3 rooms, each room has the majority of ovules. Flowering throughout the year, Hangzhou flowering period from late May to late June. Berries, globose, shaped