1996年8月,经国务院正式批准,省委、省政府决定将扬州市行政区划一分为二。新组建地级泰州市,管辖泰兴、姜堰、靖江、兴化4个县级市及原泰州市改设的海陵区;调整后的扬州市辖广陵、郊区两个区和邗江、宝应、仪征、江都、高邮5个县(市)。 区划调整后,泰州市土地面积为5793平方公里,人口494万人;扬州面积6638平方公里,人口444万人;至1995年底,
In August 1996, formally approved by the State Council, the provincial party committee and government decided to divide Yangzhou’s administrative division into two parts. The newly established prefecture-level Taizhou City, under the jurisdiction of Taixing, Jiangyan, Jingjiang, Xinghua 4 county-level cities and the original Hailing change Taizhou; Adjusted Yangzhou Guangling, the suburbs of the two districts and Qiongjiang, Baoying, Yizheng, Jiangdu, Gaoyou 5 counties (cities). After the zoning adjustment, Taizhou City, the land area of 5793 square kilometers, population 4.94 million; Yangzhou area of 6638 square kilometers, population 4440000 people; By the end of 1995,