Clinical data Patients Female, 41 years old, clinical diagnosis: myocarditis. Electrocardiogram (with photos) for the Ⅱ lead continuous tracing, each lead has only a small number of echogenic sinus P wave, and sometimes a single occurrence, sometimes continuous, during which there is a long or short sinus arrest (its long PP interval Not an integer multiple of the short PP interval), arrhythmia of borderline escaping or borderline escaping at arrest (IIc-IId). Rare is the junctional esophageal escape rhythm frequency is gradually accelerating at the same time can be seen RP ’interval (for the measurement accuracy, in this case starting QRS start point to the inverse P minimum as the measurement standard) gradually reduced from 0.16s to 0s (both overlapping). Another part of the junctional esophageal sinus occurred after a premature sinusitis, but the P wave sometimes flat or inverted, resulting in PR interval is not easy to measure, but the QRS wave morphology and sinus are the same, and with the borderline Yat stroke QRS wave with small differences, according to Ⅱ a at the end of two P’-P relationship, suggesting that the possible line