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生产性保护和博物馆保护是目前非遗的两种主要保护形式,前者被认为是非遗保护的理想模式,后者则是不得已而为之的底线保护。而在具有丰富非遗资源的陕西省渭南市,这两种保护形式并不占主导地位,当地把公共文化服务与非遗项目结合起来,通过非遗项目公共产品化和公共文化活动非遗化的方式,使得两项工作互嵌,实现了双赢。这种互嵌的方式不仅是欠发达地区非遗保护的必然选择,也是提高公共文化服务质量和效率的一种有效形式。 Productive protection and museum protection are currently the two main forms of non-heritage protection, the former is considered an ideal model for non-heritage protection, the latter is the last resort of the bottom line protection. In Weinan, a province rich in non-heritage resources, these two forms of protection do not dominate. Local public cultural services are integrated with non-heritage projects and are non-heritage through public productions of non-heritage projects and public cultural activities Way, so that the two work embedded in each other to achieve a win-win situation. This way of mutual embedding is not only an inevitable choice for non-heritage protection in underdeveloped areas, but also an effective way to improve the quality and efficiency of public cultural services.
导语:  莎士比亚戏剧在面世之初便展现出独特的魅力。历经数百年,莎剧的力度早已跨越了时代与文化,不论我们是谁,来自哪个时代又身处何方,莎士比亚都能伴随我们对自己的内心进行一次深入的探索。  正文:  莎士比亚四百年  今年是英国伟大文学家莎士比亚逝世400周年。英国文化教育协会为纪念莎士比亚逝世400周年而举办了“永恒的莎士比亚”全球性纪念活动。与众多英国剧院、博物馆、教育工作者和艺术家共同合作,