普陀山——她那神奇的传说,动人的故事,还有诱人的风光,我是从老辈人那里听来的。后来,我又从书刊上进一步了解了她。她,早已印在我心灵的深处。朝拜普陀山是我多年的夙愿。今年盛夏终于如愿以偿。 从大连乘船到上海,再从上海的芦潮港坐5个小时的旅游快艇,就到普陀山了。登上普陀岛,仿佛置身于陶渊明笔下的世外桃源中。整个普陀山层峦叠嶂、郁郁葱葱。海天山色,交相辉映,如烟如梦。依山傍海的几所农舍,青瓦白墙,古朴典雅。隐约从山中阡陌走出一个挑担的汉子……啊,
Putuoshan - her magical legend, touching story, and attractive scenery, I heard from the older generation. Later, I learned more about her from the books. She has long been printed in the depths of my heart. Putuoshan worship is my long-cherished wish. Summer finally got his wish. Take a boat from Shanghai to Shanghai, and then Luchaogang from Shanghai take a 5-hour tourist speedboat to Putuoshan. Mount Putuo Island, as if exposure to Tao Yuanming’s paradise. The entire mountain range of Mount Putuo, lush. Sea and sky colors, each other, smoke like a dream. Several farmhouses near the sea, blue and white white walls, simple and elegant. Vaguely out of the mountains in the paddy Qianjie a pick man ... ... ah,