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从科技期刊史与科学传播史视角,采用原始文献考证与文本分析,首次对抗战时期创刊于贵州安顺1942—1945年《药学季刊》的创刊背景、办刊宗旨、科技传播以及科学史价值作系统研究。该刊大量刊载我国著名药学家在药学研究和教育、国药传承、药用植物栽培与药品制造等方面所取得的成就,参与《中华药典》改版研究工作以及中国药学会建议创设国家药物署等原始史料。《药学季刊》是中国近现代药学的代表性学术期刊,它在抗战和民国废止中医之争岁月中,以传承祖国医药文化,弘扬中医药国粹的强烈责任感,构成了教育、研究、种植、制造与办刊五位一体,相辅相成,优势互补的传播链,使其成为传播科学和勇于担当社会责任的卓越典范,为中国药学教育史、中药发展史、中国制药工业史以及中国近现代新闻传播史的研究提供新线索。 From the perspective of history of sci-tech periodicals and the history of scientific communication, using the textual research and textual analysis of the original documents, this paper firstly makes a systematic study of the starting background, purpose of running a journal, dissemination of science and technology, and the value of the history of science in Anshun, Anshun, Guizhou, which started in 1942-1945, the study. The magazine publishes a large number of famous pharmacists in China’s pharmaceutical research and education, inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, medicinal plant cultivation and pharmaceutical manufacturing achievements made in the “Chinese Pharmacopoeia” revision of the research work and the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association proposed the creation of the National Medicines and other primitive historical data. The Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences is a representative academic journal of modern Chinese pharmacy. During the war of resistance against Japan and the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine in the Republic of China, the “Pharmaceutical Quarterly” formed a strong sense of responsibility to carry forward the medical culture of the motherland and promote the quintessence of traditional Chinese medicine. It formed a platform for education, research, cultivation and manufacture And the publication of five in one, complement each other, complementary advantages of the transmission chain, making it a science of communication and dare to play a socially responsible exemplary excellence for China’s pharmaceutical education history, the history of Chinese medicine, the history of China’s pharmaceutical industry and the history of modern Chinese news media Research provides new clues.
【摘要】本文采用了格兰杰因果关系检验和向量自回归模型(VAR)来研究居民消费价格指数(CPI)和农产品价格指数(API)的变动关系。并且在进行格兰杰因果关系检验之前,采用了扩展的迪克—福勒检验(Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test)来检验了这个时间序列的平稳性。选取了1989—2009年的数据,最后得出的结果是,API的变动不是引起CPI的原因,但是会影响到CPI的变动。结合这
近一百年前,《新青年》月刊第六卷第六号上刊登了鲁迅的一篇杂文《我们怎样做父亲》。谈到父亲与子女该是什么样的关系,鲁迅说:“所以我现在心以为然的,便只是‘爱’。”“所以觉醒的人,此后应将这天性的爱,更加扩张,更加醇化;用无我的爱,自己牺牲于后起新人。”  无我的爱,牺牲自我,这个标准高不高?好像不高,现在好多家长都认为自己就是这么做的。  果真如此吗?  下面这个故事讲的是一个男人如何做父亲的。  
【摘要】农村信用体系建设作为全社会信用体系建设的重要组成部分,在繁荣农村经济、实现城乡协调发展以及保证农村金融稳定和可持续发展产生了深远的影响。本文对当前我国农村信用体系建设的研究进行文献综述,从现有体系建设存在的问题着手,进而提出了加快我国农村信用体系建设的思考。  【关键词】农村 信用体系 建设  一、文献综述  杨小玲(2011)认为金融作为一种信用中介,始终离不开整体征信体系的建设。随着我