
来源 :中国矿业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feijj2002_99
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针对瓦斯抽采后回采工作面瓦斯超限问题,利用自主研发的外液侵入条件下瓦斯解吸实验装置,首次实验研究了有、无渗透剂溶液侵入条件下含瓦斯煤体的瓦斯解吸速度变化规律,探讨了利用水锁防止工作面瓦斯超限的可行性与实施途径.结果表明:渗透剂溶液侵入后对瓦斯解吸具有水锁损害作用,在其作用下能够降低和延缓含瓦斯煤的瓦斯解吸速度;水锁对瓦斯解吸的阻碍作用随瓦斯压力水平的降低而增加,尤其在瓦斯压力水平为1.0MPa及以下时表现最为明显;在前1h之内,瓦斯解吸速度降低7%~26%;在12h时除压力水平为1.0MPa的含瓦斯煤体其瓦斯解吸速度降低26%外,其余各压力水平的瓦斯解吸速度均能够降低40%以上,表明随着时间的延长其效果也越明显;在前20min以内存在液置气现象. Aiming at the problem of gas overrun in coalface after gas drainage, the gas desorption rate under gas infiltration with and without penetrant solution was experimentally studied for the first time by using gas desorption device independently developed by external gas intrusion conditions , And discussed the feasibility and implementation of using water lock to prevent methane overrun in workface.The results show that the penetrant solution has water lock damage to gas desorption and can reduce and delay gas desorption Speed, the blocking effect of water lock on gas desorption increased with the decrease of gas pressure level, especially when the gas pressure level was 1.0 MPa and below. Within 1 h, gas desorption rate was reduced by 7% -26% The gas desorption rate of all the pressure levels can be reduced by more than 40% at 12h, except that the gas desorption speed of the gas containing 1.0MPa is reduced by 26%, indicating that the effect of gas desorption becomes more obvious with the extension of time. In the first 20min there is liquid gas phenomenon.
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目的 探讨胃肠道间质瘤的诊断和治疗方法和提高其诊治水平.方法 对1999年7月至2006年6月收治经手术和病理证实的GIST 22例临床资料,并结合文献进行分析.结果 22例中,恶性18例