21世纪刚刚来临 ,一系列以“下一代”开头的技术创新便接踵而至 ,下一代SDH、下一代网络NGN、下一代互联网NGI……。“江山如画 ,一时多少豪杰”。“海上生明月 ,天涯共此时”。生活在这个星球上的人们 ,这个星球上的国家 ,都在迎接信息革命的挑战。信息化成了强国富
With the advent of the 21st century, a series of technological innovations beginning with “the next generation” will follow one after another. Next-generation SDH, next-generation NGN and next-generation NGI ...... will be launched. “Picturesque, a moment how many hero”. “Sea students moon, End of the World at this time.” The people living on this planet and the nations on this planet are all meeting the challenge of the information revolution. Information has become a wealthy country