
来源 :田径 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:reap
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一、易损伤的部位及成因 (一)脚部(足尖、足背和踝关节)损伤。 足尖、足背损伤多是由于起跨点近、摆动腿的 脚踢栏和起跨腿的脚尖勾栏所致。踝关节损伤 主要是踝部力量差、摆动腿过栏后脚落地的方 法不正确及场地不平造成。 (二)臂部损伤。主要是在过栏后摔倒撑 地,造成 First, the vulnerable parts and causes (A) foot (toe, dorsal foot and ankle) injury. Pointe, dorsal foot injury is mostly due to cross from the point of swinging legs and kick legs from the toes column caused by the toes. Ankle joint injury is mainly poor strength of the ankle, swing leg hind legs behind the way to the ground is not correct and caused by uneven. (B) arm injury. Mainly after the column fell over the ground, causing