Beekeeping may reduce stress and depression 养蜂可减少压力和抑郁

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  Bees are major pollinators(传粉者) of fruits, vegetables and nuts. Without these helpful buzzing insects, our food supply would be in trouble. But bees can help humans in another way. Researchers say the act of beekeeping may help people with mental health problems such as stress, anxiety and depression. Many call it beekeeping therapy.
  One group of people is especially getting help from such therapy: military veterans (退伍军人). Many soldiers returning from military service have trouble dealing with the experiences of war. They may also have trouble creating a productive life as military veterans. Homelessness, depression and drug abuse can affect some military veterans.
  Vince Ylitalo is one such veteran. He served in the military for nearly 40 years, including two tours in Iraq. He suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. To treat his PTSD, Ylitalo is part of a beekeeping program in the state of New Hampshire.
  In a recent report, Ylitalo explained how beekeeping calmed his mind. “I’m in this program to help me get out of all those problems that I have. It helps me think about something completely different. I’m just thinking about the bees.”
  Another beekeeping program based in the state of Michigan is Heroes to Hives. Adam Ingrao, a military veteran and insect expert, founded the program. “All of these bees will die. These are our summer bees, and they only live 45 to 60 days,” said Adam. He runs it through Michigan State University. The free program provides a nine-month beekeeping course to veterans.
  Adam explains that beekeeping serves veterans in many ways. “We’re focused on making veterans take control of their own lives by being able to practice mindfulness and slow down by giving them the opportunity to have their own business. This is a place for community and healing. It’s also a place for learning how to keep bees.”
  1. What benefit can people get from beekeeping from paragraph 1?
  A. They can be cured of mental diseases.
  B. They won’t feel homesick any longer.
  C. They will be provided with food.
  D. They can be helped to reduce pressure.
  2. How does beekeeping help Ylitalo according to the text?
  A. By calming his mind.
  B. By changing his taste.
  C. By building up his body.
  D. By building up his confidence.
  Without these helpful buzzing insects, our food supply would be in trouble. 假如没有这些嗡嗡叫的益虫的帮助,我们的食物供应就会遇到麻烦。
  句中的Without...构成含蓄型虚拟语气结构。在英语中,有时假设的条件不通过条件状语从句表达出来,而是隐含在某些词或短语中,或隐含在上下文中,这种结构称为含蓄型虚拟语气。常用的此类词或短语有without、 but for、 otherwise,以及or等。
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