20世纪 80年代以来 ,在中国诗歌潮起潮落的起伏动荡中 ,宝鸡的诗人们却始终如一地执着地坚守在诗歌创作的阵地 ,用他们有些寂寞的歌声抒发着对时代、自我、爱情、幸福、苦难的感受 ,为忽明忽暗的诗歌之火添加着柴薪。2 0 0 4年 5月 2 3日上午 ,宝鸡文理学院中文系举办了《宝鸡诗歌创作学术研讨会》,中文系的学者和宝鸡市的部分诗人们一起 ,对宝鸡市诗歌创作的历史、现状进行了回顾和分析 ,对部分诗人及其诗作的得失进行了研讨。现将部分发言摘要予以刊发 ,以引起学术界的关注。
Since the 1980s, in the ebb and flow of Chinese poetry, the poets in Baoji have persistently adhered to the position of poetry creation and used their lonely songs to express their love for time, self, love, Happiness, feelings of misery, add firewood to the flickering poetry fire. On the morning of May 23, 2004, the Chinese Department of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences held the “Baoji Poetry Creation Academic Symposium.” Chinese scholars and some of the poets in Baoji City jointly reviewed the history and current status of the poetry creation in Baoji City Reviewed and analyzed the pros and cons of some poets and their poems. A few of the speeches are now being circulated to draw the attention of academics.