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改革开放以来,随着我国社会主义市场经济的迅速发展,出现了一批市场占有率和知名度高、质量和市场信誉好、具有一定市场导向能力的国产名牌商品。同时,一部分国外名牌商品也进入国内市场。这些国内外名牌商品逐步在市场上占据了重要地位,对改变我国市场面貌、促进商品市场的发展和工业生产整体水平的提高具有积极意义。但是,近年来,也出现了制售假冒名牌商品、借名牌之由涨价牟取暴利、评比推荐“名牌”活动过多过滥、名牌商品的市场管理滞后等问题。为了加强我国名牌商品的市场培育管理,进一步整顿名牌商品的市场流通秩序,贯彻实施名牌战略,保护国家、企业和消费者的利益,并以此带动全国商品市场的健康发展,国内贸易部近日发出通知,要求加强全国名牌商品的市场培育管理工作。 Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid development of the socialist market economy in our country, a number of domestically made famous brand products have emerged with a high market share, high reputation, good quality and good market reputation and a certain market-oriented ability. At the same time, some foreign brand names also enter the domestic market. These domestic and international brand-name merchandise gradually occupy an important position in the market, which is of positive significance to changing the face of our country’s market, promoting the development of the commodity market and raising the overall level of industrial production. However, in recent years, there have also been issues such as the manufacture and sale of counterfeit brand-name products, the reckless profits by price-tagging, the excessive recommendation of “top brand names” and the lag in the market management of brand-name products. In order to strengthen the market cultivation and management of brand-name products in our country, further rectify the market circulation of brand-name products, carry out the brand-name strategy, protect the interests of the country, enterprises and consumers and in turn promote the healthy development of the national commodity market, the Ministry of Domestic Trade recently issued Notice, called for strengthening the national brand-name goods market cultivation and management.
本文结合当前现状,从自主学习的本质入手,探讨大学英语教改中培养学生自主学习的必要性和紧迫性,总结具体策略,分析面临的问题、局限性和前景。 Based on the current situa
布达佩斯专电 每当春节来临,从匈牙利飞往北京的国际航班上,便出现许多回国探亲的中国人的身影。细心的人可能会发现,不少中国小伙子身边都多了一位外国姑娘。不用问,姑娘准
只要放得下“臭架子”,不再羞涩,就见处处有“点子”处处可挣钱。就这样于“薄弱”处向人们的“成见”挑战,也用实绩给世界一个惊奇。 故宫博物院靠着“祖宗”遗产一直是国