A breeding through Xuzhou 1818 Department of Xuzhou from 209 in the breeder system bred. In 1957 in Xuzhou 209 breeding field selected strains, in 1958 to participate in the selection of nurseries, in 1959 to participate in the pre-test nursery, 1960-1961 years to participate in the comparative test of strains, 1962-1964 years to participate in the Yellow River Basin National Cotton Regional Trial, 1963 The main producing cotton counties and the Yellow River provinces provinces and extensive production test, in successive years of tests, Xuzhou 1818 performance of high yield, precocious, good emergence and adaptability, general lint yield 20% to 40%, frost before lint yield about 50% , For the current northern cotton production value of the most popular new varieties of cotton. Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and other provinces and Beijing all set up special breeding farms to accelerate breeding and vigorously promote them.