一辆上海别克轿车,采用V6 3.0L发动机,累计行驶11万km,当以80 km/h-110 km/h的速度行驶时出现加速发冲,怠速不稳的现象。停车原地急加速,可以听到轿车排气管有“放炮”声,有时空气滤清器处还有轻微的回火现象。利用示波器检查点火线圈的点火波形,发现当上述故障出现时无论哪缸点火线圈都有断火现象。按照常规分析,6个火花塞或3个点火线圈同时损坏的可能性不是很大,应该是某个共用的部分出了问题。该车
A Shanghai Buick sedan, with V6 3.0L engine, accumulated a total of 110,000 km, when the speed of 80 km / h-110 km / h speeding hair red, idle instability phenomenon. Parking in situ accelerated, you can hear the car exhaust pipe “blasting” sound, and sometimes the air filter there is a slight tempering. Use the oscilloscope to check the ignition coil ignition waveform and found that when the failure occurs when whichever cylinder has a fire off the ignition coil phenomenon. According to the conventional analysis, six spark plugs or three ignition coils at the same time the possibility of damage is not very large, it should be a common part of a problem. The car