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我省农业的社会主义改造事业,正在走向一个新的阶段,这就是在基本上实现了半社会主义农业合作化任务的基础上,开始向完全的社会主义农业集体化过渡。农村各级党组织必须敏锐地看到这种形势,从而根据党的七届六中全会的决议,「个别试办、由少到多、分批分期地逐渐地发展」,积极地稳步地引导现有社向高级社过渡。完全社会主义性质的高级农业生产合作社,比现有半社会主义性质的初级社,有着巨大的优越性。这就是:第一,当取消了土地报酬,并把其它生产资料转为全社集体所有,实行了完全的「按劳取酬」的社会主义分配原则以后,社员的劳动积极性和创造性就会进一步得到发挥,从而促进生产进一步提高。第二,随着牲口、农具、羊群等主要生产资料的公有化,即可从根本上克服生产资料私人 The socialist transformation of agriculture in our province is going to a new stage. This is the beginning of the transition to a completely socialist collectivization of agriculture on the basis of basically fulfilling the task of semi-socialist cooperation in agriculture. The party organizations at all levels in rural areas must be keenly aware of this situation and, according to the resolution of the 6th Plenary Session of the Seventh CPC Central Committee, “individual trial runs from as few as possible and gradually develop in phases and in batches” to actively and steadily guide Existing society to senior society transition. The advanced socialist cooperatives of a completely socialist nature have great advantages over the existing semi-socialist primary associations. This is: First, after the removal of land remuneration and the conversion of other means of production into collective ownership of the whole community and the implementation of the principle of “distribution according to work and labor,” the principle of socialist distribution will further enhance the enthusiasm and creativity of members Play to promote further production. Second, with the publicizing of the main means of production of livestock, tools, flocks, etc., the means of production can be fundamentally overcome
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一、目的与要求:为了瞭解区、乡在公文处理中的情况及存在的一些带有普遍性的主要问题,加以研究解决,不断的提高文书处理工作质量,从而更好的为农业合作化高潮服务。 First