
来源 :连云港教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:panweilu
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人教版高中化学新教材在山西、江西及天津三年试教的基础上,修订后,今年起在我省全面推广。这本教材的编写在形式和内容上较以前均有很大的变化,其主旨是“进一步提高学生的思想道德品质、文化科学知识、审美情操和身体心理素质。”新教材“以人为本”,注重“人文教育”,强调“ PEP The new chemistry textbook for senior high school is based on three years of trial teaching in Shanxi, Jiangxi and Tianjin. After the revision, it will be promoted in our province this year. This textbook compilation in the form and content have changed a lot compared to the previous, the main purpose is “to further improve the students’ ideological and moral qualities, cultural and scientific knowledge, aesthetic sentiment and physical and psychological quality.” The new textbook “people-oriented”, pay attention to “Humanities Education”, emphasizing "