肆虐的洪水已经被降服了,今年夏天抗击特大洪水的斗争,是人民军队自渡江战役以来和抗美援朝战争以后,投入兵力最多的一次军事行动。也是1979年对越自卫反击作战以后最大和最集中的一次军事报道实践。 闻讯而动 在这次光辉实践中,新华社解放军分社闻汛而动,派出30名记者奔赴南北灾区,奋战长达两个多月。这是进入新时期以来新华社解放军分社在大局下进行军事报道的一次最生动、最成功的实践,为今后搞好和平建设条件下国家通讯社的军事报道提供了丰富的经验。
The floods that have wreaked havoc have been surrendered. The battle against extraordinarily large floods this summer is the military operation that has been most frequently deployed by the People’s Army since the war on Dujiang and the war to resist U.S.A-Korea. It is also the largest and most concentrated military coverage practice since the 1979 counterattack against Vietnam. Hearing the news In this brilliant practice, the Xinhua News Agency’s People’s Liberation Army branch went to floods and sent 30 reporters to the disaster areas north and south for more than two months. This is the most vivid and successful practice of the Xinhua News Agency’s People’s Liberation Army subcommittee carrying out military coverage under the overall situation since the new period was entered. It has provided rich experience in the military coverage of the State news agency under the conditions of peacebuilding in the future.