苏、豫、皖黄河故道地区栽植苹果150万亩,年产量3.5亿公斤,是我国主要苹果产地之一。本地区年平均气温14℃,夏季高温。年降水量700~1000毫米,雨季集中在果实座果至成熟期。果实烂果病发生严重,常年平均烂果率为20~30%,遇多雨年份达40~50%,甚至达60~70%,损失很大。果实轮纹病发病集中在成熟期和贮藏期,果农为了避免销售前损失,往往提前采收,使上市果实成熟度不足,品质下降,贮运期果实大量腐烂。 1984~1986年,我们对苏北黄河故道地区金冠苹果烂果病主要种类、病菌侵染规律及药剂防治等进行了试验研究,现将主要结果整理如下: 侵染与发病规律 采用果实一次套袋隔绝侵染,分期暴露法进行
Jiangsu, Henan and Anhui provinces planted 1.5 million mu of apple trees, the annual output of 350 million kilograms, is one of China’s major apple producing areas. The average annual temperature of 14 degrees in the region, the summer high temperature. The annual precipitation is 700 ~ 1000 mm, the rainy season is concentrated in the fruit to fruit maturity. Rotten fruit serious disease occurs, perennial average rotten fruit rate of 20 to 30%, rainy years reached 40 to 50%, or even up to 60 to 70%, a great loss. The incidence of fruit rot disease is concentrated in the mature period and the storage period. In order to avoid pre-sale losses, the fruit growers often harvest in advance to make the listed fruits lack of maturity, the quality is declining and the fruits and vegetables are decayed in a large amount. From 1984 to 1986, we conducted a pilot study on the main types of rotten fruit of Golden Delicious apple in the old course of the Yellow River in the North of China, the pathogen infection and drug control. The main results are summarized as follows: The rules of infection and incidence Isolated infection, staging exposure method