患者,女性,45岁,因咳喘一周于1995年12月5日就诊。血压20(?)2kPa.昕诊心率92次/分,律规整,双肺可闻干鸣音。胸片显示两肺纹理增强,血常规检查,白细胞1.55×10~(?)L.疹断急性支气管炎。给予泰利德(氧氟沙星)静脉滴注治疗,于治疗后半小时,患者自觉头痛剧烈,作恶欲呕,血压22/14kPa.瞳孔等大同圆,颈软,无肢体感觉及运动障碍,心率100次/分,律规整.双肺可闻少许干鸣音,随即停用泰利德头痛症状消失。讨论:泰利德即氧氟沙星(Injectio ofloxa(?)ini)为临
Patient, female, 45 years old, had a week of cough and asthma on December 5, 1995. Blood pressure 20 (?) 2kPa. Xin clinic heart rate 92 beats / min, law and order, the lungs can hear dry sounds. Chest radiograph showed enhanced lung tissue, blood tests, leukocytes 1.55 × 10 L. (L.) Acute bronchitis. Given Telide (ofloxacin) intravenous infusion therapy, half an hour after treatment, patients with severe headache, nausea, blood pressure 22 / 14kPa. Pupil and other Datong round, soft neck, no physical sensation and dyskinesia, heart rate 100 beats / min, law and regulation of the lungs can smell a little dry beep, then disable the headache symptoms of Telide disappeared. Discussion: Teliti or ofloxacin (Injectio ofloxa (?) Ini) for the Pro