墨西哥饲用玉米又名大刍草,是从国外引进的一年生高产优质饲草,素称“青饲料之王”。具有耐肥、耐酸、耐刈割,抗病虫害和倒伏等特点,在湖南各地渔场栽种养鱼,获得了很好的效果。现将种植技术简介如下: 一、播种时间:在长江中下游一带,一般在4—6月,即当土壤温度达到10℃以上时便可播种。二、播种量:鉴于墨西哥饲用玉米发蔸强的生长发育特点,在栽培过程中株行要求较宽,即每亩用种子0.5—0.75kg。
Mexican corn, also known as forage grass, is introduced from abroad annual high yield forage, known as “the king of green fodder.” With the features of resistance to fertilizer, acid, cutting, pest and lodging, etc., fish are planted in fisheries all over Hunan and good results have been obtained. Now planting technology briefings are as follows: First, the sowing time: in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, usually in the April-June, that is, when the soil temperature reaches above 10 ℃ can sow. Second, the sowing rate: In view of the strong growth and development characteristics of Mexican feed corn, in the cultivation process, the line requires a wide range, that is 0.5-0.75kg per mu seeds.