邓小平晚年具有坚定、博大的马克思主义情怀 ,他拨乱反正 ,勇于批判对马克思主义的“左”、右倾思想 ;实事求是 ,科学地评价毛泽东思想 ;解放思想 ,奋力开拓马克思主义发展的新境界 ;愈老弥坚 ,坚信马克思主义是打不倒的科学真理。
In his later years, Deng Xiaoping possessed a firm and broad Marxist sentiment. He channed the order and boldly criticized the “Leftist” and “Rightist” thinking toward Marxism. Deng Xiaoping evaluated Mao Zedong Thought scientifically and emancipated his mind and worked hard to open up a new realm for the development of Marxism. Firmly believe that Marxism is a scientific truth that can not be defeated.