Animation courses in the sketch, is a professional animation basic professional courses. Sketch course mainly examines students ’ability to compose space and comprehension of things. Therefore, improving student’s sketch creation is an important way to promote students’ ability to innovate and explore their abilities. With the deepening development of education system, the educational goal has deepened the teaching development of sketch courses, and also deepened the organic geometry of theoretical courses and practical courses, that is, the current situation requires the development of “curriculum of engineering tasks” and the realization of Sketching courses in-depth teaching, so as to achieve the ability to improve animation sketch drawing students, animation technology innovation for the future to lay a solid foundation. This article starts with the current situation of the development of animation major courses, and analyzes the important ways to realize the “curriculum of engineering tasks” in the sketch course of animation major. It also summarizes the important role of the general guideline of “engineering task curriculum” in the development of animation sketch courses .