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关于缩略语,虽然国内外出版的缩略语词典颇多,但对缩略语的构成和读音则很少论及,或附带说明几句.一般缩略语词典都不注明读音,使人不得其详,不利于缩略语的使用.笔者综合研究国内外多种缩略语词典和有关缩略语的片断论述,在本文探讨了缩略语的构成和读音. About abbreviations, although there are quite a few abbreviations that are published at home and abroad, the composition and pronunciation of abbreviations are seldom discussed, or a few sentences are included. , Is not conducive to the use of acronyms.A comprehensive study of a variety of domestic and foreign acronyms and acronyms on the fragments discussed in this article discussed the composition and pronunciation of acronyms.
象征着和平、友谊、希望的奥林匹克圣火,在古代奥林匹克的发源地——希腊传递了一周之后,3月31日上午抵达第29届夏季奥林匹克运动会主办城市中国首都北京,在天安门广场隆重举行了火炬接力启动仪式。  11时40分,中共中央总书记、国家主席胡锦涛在北京奥组委主席刘淇的陪同下,走上仪式台。3名圣火护卫人员在仪式台上用引火棒从火种灯中引出火种,点燃火炬,交给刘淇。刘淇手持点燃的火炬缓步走到胡锦涛面前,将火炬交
In China,the problem is how to change the con-dition in which students can’t speak English,evenafter a long period of time of learning.This problemcan be solv