During the two atypical El Niño events, the western Pacific portion of the Walker circulation significantly weakened and the eastern Pacific portion of the Hadley circulation significantly increased. The western Pacific anomalies westerly winds stress eastward; east Pacific anomalies northerly winds stress southward. The energy of the western Pacific warm pool can propagate eastwards in two ways: the thermocline and velocity modes of the equatorial Kelvin waves. The total energy delivered eastward from the thermocline mode is greater than the total energy delivered eastward from the flow mode. During the El Niño event from 1982 to 1983, the equatorial Kelvin wave thermocline mode played a major role and the equatorial underflow was weakened. During the El Niño event from 1986 to 1987, the equatorial Kelvin wave velocity mode played a major role, and the equatorial underflow increased. During the El Nino event, the equatorial subsurface flow vanished and the reverse phenomenon was a localized ocean response that did not propagate eastward along the equatorial Kelvin waves.