I. INTRODUCTION Since crystal oscillators are capable of providing signals with very stable frequencies, they are widely used in telecommunications and many other industrial sectors and research institutes, and their use can be broadly classified into two categories, communication and measurement. In the past, crystal oscillators used tubes as active components, and recently tubes have been replaced by transistors. However, compared with the transistor and the transistor, its parameters are susceptible to temperature, power supply voltage changes and other effects, so the design and use, we must minimize this effect. In addition, the crystal oscillator is to determine the frequency of the element, its design and manufacture should also be carefully considered, in order to give full play to its performance, should also attach great importance to the design of the oscillation circuit. The requirements of the crystal oscillator, according to its use is very different: some small and light weight; some to high stability; others have to oscillation frequency or meet other special requirements. Below are prepared to describe the status of various crystal oscillators, trying to reflect the latest relevant information.