为了对常用住宅空调能耗调查方法的准确度进行实测和定量分析,于2011年,同时采用问卷调查法、抄表拆分调查法和设表实测调查法,对北京市27个住户69台分体空调器的夏季能耗进行调查,并对不同调查方法的调查结果进行了对比分析。结果表明,问卷调查法的误差较大,对于每户空调能耗调查的绝对误差为-133~1 111kW.h,平均值偏大23%;抄表拆分法的准确度较高,普通抄表拆分法调查结果的绝对误差为-45~114kW.h,平均值偏大6.4%;改进型抄表拆分法的准确度更高,平均值仅偏大1.7%,其准确度可以满足住宅空调能耗调查研究工作的要求。
In order to measure and quantitatively analyze the accuracy of the commonly used residential air-conditioning energy consumption survey methods, in 2011, the questionnaire survey, meter reading split survey method and survey table survey method were used to survey 69 households in 27 households in Beijing Air conditioner summer energy consumption survey, and survey results of different survey methods were compared. The results show that the error of the questionnaire survey method is relatively large, and the absolute error of the energy consumption per household air conditioner survey is -133-1111kW.h, the average value is 23% larger. The accuracy of the meter reading resolution method is higher, The absolute error of the table split method survey results is -45 ~ 114kW.h, the average value is 6.4% larger; the accuracy of the improved meter reading resolution method is higher, the average value is only slightly larger than 1.7%, the accuracy can meet Residential air conditioning energy consumption survey research requirements.