
来源 :心理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxiaofengkobe
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利用“1979—1988我国儿童发展教育心理学文献数据库”,根据选定的几项有关质量的指标,分析了十年来儿童发展教育心理学研究的一般水平,发现有些方面有进步,有些方面无进展。进步最大的是统计方法,十年来取得长足进展;被试数量10年内共362665人,工作量巨大,4—16岁是研究的重点。研究方法有进步,目前研究采用的主要方法是实验法,测量法和理论分析法,测量法发展较快;从问题提出的形式看,代表较高水平的研究—深入型研究所占比例呈波浪式下降的趋势,88年下降较为明显,而重复性研究却呈上升趋势。创新型的研究虽然量不大,但有发展,值得进一步探讨;文献著录的引文量明显低于世界平均值,亦明显低于全国平均值。在引文类型上,引证图书略高于引证期刊,这与国内外科技文献引证期刊为主的调查结论不一致。引文文种以中文和英文为主。引证近5年的文献比例较低,文献更新速度较慢,且十年中没有进步。 Using “1979-1988 literature database of children’s developmental education psychology in our country”, according to selected several quality-related indicators, this paper analyzes the general level of research on psychology of children’s developmental education over the past 10 years and finds that some aspects have progressed and some have not progressed . The biggest improvement is the statistical method, making great progress in the past ten years; the number of participants is 362665 in 10 years, and the workload is huge. The focus of research is 4-16 years old. The research methods have been improved. The main methods used in the present study are the experimental method, the measurement method and the theoretical analysis method, and the rapid development of the measurement method. According to the form proposed by the question, the research on the higher level represents the proportion of the in-depth research Decline trend, the 88-year decline is more obvious, while the repetitive research is on the rise. Although the research on innovative type is not large in quantity, it is worth developing for further study. The amount of citations in literatures is obviously lower than the world average and obviously lower than the national average. In the citation type, citing books slightly higher than the cited journals, which is not consistent with the conclusions of the survey cited by domestic and foreign scientific literature cited journals. Quotations mainly in Chinese and English. The proportion of documents cited in the recent 5 years is relatively low, the literature is updated more slowly and there is no progress in 10 years.
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