五加皮和香加皮均为常用药材。五加皮是五加科植物细柱五加 Acanthopanax gracilistylus w.w.smith 的干燥根皮;而香加皮为萝摩科植物杠柳Periploca sepnum Bge 的干燥根皮。前者具有祛风湿、补肝肾、强筋骨作用。一般用于风寒湿痹、关节酸痛、四肢拘挛、腰膝软弱、小儿行迟、体虚乏力等证。而后者有毒、具祛风湿、壮筋骨,强心之功,用于风寒湿痹、腰膝酸软、心悸气短、下肢浮肿等症。几年来笔
Wujiapi and Xiangjiapi are commonly used herbs. Acanthopanax is the dry root bark of the Acanthopanagus Acanthopanax gracilistylus w.w.smith; and Acanthopanax is the dry root bark of the Periocloca sepnum Bge. The former has rheumatism, liver and kidney, strong bones and muscles. It is generally used for cold and dampness, joint pain, limb paralysis, weakness in waist and knee, lateness in children, weakness and fatigue. The latter is toxic, with rheumatism, strong bones and muscles, strong heart of the work for the wind cold dampness, Yaoxisuanruan, palpitations, shortness of breath, lower extremity edema embolism. Pens for years