两年前,当讲到无人驾驶、人工智能、虚拟现实,我们可能要说,那些都是50年后的事。今天,我们却发现这些技术不再遥不可及,甚至已经冲进了生活:谷歌无人驾驶汽车一年前的今天就已经跑了160万公里,并保持每天模拟驾驶483万公里(北京到上海2000个来回);Tesla电动车的最新版已经具有了辅助自动驾驶功能;人工智能棋手Alpha Go已经打败人类最优秀的围棋手,每天还能练习100万盘以上,把人类甩得
Two years ago when it came to drone, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality, we might say that those were all 50 years from now. Today, we find these technologies are no longer out of reach, or even burst into life: Google driverless cars ran 1.6 million kilometers a year ago today, and keep simulating driving 4.83 million kilometers a day (Beijing to Shanghai 2000 round trips); the latest version of the Tesla electric car already has aided autopilot; AI Go, an artificial intelligence player, has defeated the best human goers and can practice more than 1 million discs per day, throwing humans off