Oxygen and strontium isotope data indicate that the primary magma of the YangchulingComplex resulted from the mixing of upper mantle materials with crustal materials. Under re-ducing environment with an oxygen fugacity off 10 ~(13) bar, the magma began to crystallizeat a depth of 8km between 1000°--1180℃, forming granodiorite and monzonitic granite por-phyry. When the upper portion of the monzonitic granite porphyry became solidified, whileits lower part remained to be liquid, explosion occurred due to pressure decrease, resulting inthe formation of explosion breccia and autoclastic phenomenon, providing channels for the mig-ration of hydrothermal solutions and favorite space for ore precipitation. The complex belongsto the calc-alkaline series. Various rock types were emplaced one after another during theprocess of constant differentiation from a common magma. As indicated by sulfur isotopedata, the hydrothemal solutions were derived, for the most part, from the magma with only asmall fraction coming from meteoric waters. Ore-forming components, including those leachedout of the country rocks, carried by the solutions gave rise to W-Mo enrichment upon secondboiling due to pressure dtop.
Oxygen and strontium isotope data indicate that the primary magma of the Yangchuling Complex resulted from the mixing of upper mantle materials with crustal materials. Under re-ducing environment with an oxygen fugacity off 10 ~ (13) bar, the magma began to crystallizeat a depth of When the upper portion of the monzonitic granite porphyry became solidified, whileits lower part remained to be liquid, explosion occurred due to pressure decrease, resulting inthe formation of explosion breccia and autoclastic phenomenon, providing channels for the mig-ration of hydrothermal solutions and favorite space for ore precipitation. The complex belongsto the calc-alkaline series. Various rock types were emplaced one after another during the process of constant differentiation from a common magma. As indicated by sulfur isotopedata, the hydrothemal solutions were derived, for the most part, from the magma with only asm all fraction coming from meteoric waters. Ore-forming components, including those leached out of the country rocks, carried by the solutions gave rise to W-Mo enrichment upon second boiling due to pressure dtop.