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检查视力就是测量眼睛分辨最小物象的能力,它对诊断和防治眼病具有重要意义。自从1862年斯奈伦氏发明视力表以后,检查视力的方法就科学得多了。眼睛所看见物象大小,一是和物体本身的大小有关,二是和物体与眼距离的远近有关。也就是说,物体大,距离近,看到的物象就大;物体小,距离远,看到的物象就小。俗话说:“近则大,远则小”,是有科学道理的。视力分中心视力与周边视力(又称视野)。通常所说的查视力,是指中心视力的测定。远视力表有现在 Visual acuity is the ability to measure the smallest image of the eye, which is important for the diagnosis and prevention of eye diseases. Since 1862, Snell invented the eye chart, the method of checking vision is far more scientific. The size of the image seen by the eyes, one is related to the size of the object itself, and the other is the distance between the object and the eye. In other words, the objects are large and the distances are close, so the objects they see are large; the objects are small and the distances are far, and the objects they see are small. As the saying goes: “Nearly big, far is small,” there is a scientific truth. Vision sub-center vision and peripheral vision (also known as vision). The so-called visual acuity, refers to the determination of central vision. Far vision table now
国家卫生计生委发布的《中国居民营养与慢性病状况报告(2015年)》称,我国成年男性平均身高是167.1厘米,成年女性是155.8厘米,平均体重分别为66.2千克和57.3千克。  对中国人身高的质疑  这一结果,尤其是国人身高的结果引起了不少人的质疑。但是,也许是报告撰写者在撰写之初就预料到会遭到质疑,因而特别说明,该报告是许多专家综合采用多中心、多来源数据系统评估、复杂加权和荟萃分析等研究办法编