秀珍菇(Pleurotus geesteranus Singer),又名袖珍菇、环柄侧耳、姬平菇和小平菇等,隶属于担子菌纲、伞菌目、侧耳科、侧耳属。因其外形悦目、菇香浓郁、上口脆嫩、味道鲜美,深受广大消费者的青睐[2]。近年来,为确保秀珍菇货源供应的连续性和稳定性,出现了利用制冷和加温设备进行周年栽培的设施,这对于一般的农户而言投资较大,较难实现。瓯海区泽雅镇麻芝川村有一个闲置多年
Pleurotus geesteranus Singer (Pleurotus geesteranus Singer), also known as pocket mushroom, ring handle ears, Ji flat mushrooms and mushrooms, etc., under the Basidiomycetes, toadstools, lateral ear, Pleurotus. Because of its pleasing appearance, rich mushrooms, catchy crisp, delicious, favored by the vast number of consumers [2]. In recent years, in order to ensure the continuity and stability of the supply of Sauvignon Blanco, there have been facilities for carrying out annual cultivation by means of refrigeration and warming equipment, which is more difficult for the average peasant household to invest. Ouya Zeya Ma Zhichuan Village has an idle for many years