Influence of Bismuth on the Metabolism of Endogenous Metals in Rats

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In this study the effect of single and multiple doses of bismuth on the metabolism andexcretion of endogenous metals (Cu,Zn) was investigated.Wistar rats were administered bismuth chloride subcutaneously (1×3mg Bi/kg or 7×3mgBi/kg).Rats were sacrificed at different time periods after bismuth injections.The leve1s of Cuand Zn were determined in the liver,kidneys and brain,as well as the concentrations ofmetallothionein (MT) in the liver and kidneys.Cu,Zn and total protein levels in the urine ofcontrol and exposed animals were estimated.Additionally,a histopathological examinationof the kidneys and brain was carried out. The increase in the renal and hepatic Cu and Zn content was paralleled by anaugmentation in the level of MT in these organs following both kinds of exposure to bismuth.Some changes in the ultrastructure of the kidneys were correlated with the dose of bismuth.Zinc content in the brains of exposed rats was lower than in control animals brains,but therewas no difference in copper level and Wistar rats were administered bismuth chloride subcutaneously (1 × 3 mg Bi / kg or 7 × 3 mg Bi / kg). Rats were sacrificed at different time periods after bismuth injections. The leve1s of Cuand Zn were determined in the liver, kidneys and brain, as well as the concentrations ofmetallothionein (MT) in the liver and kidneys. Cu, Zn and total protein levels in the urine of control and exposed animals were estimated. Additionally, a histopathological examination of the kidneys and brain was carried out. The increase in the renal and hepatic Cu and Zn content was paralleled by anaugmentation in the level of MT in these organs both both of exposure to bismuth .Some changes in the ultrastructure of the kidneys were correlated with the dose of bismuth. Zinc content in the brains of exposed rats was lower than in control animals brains, but therewas no difference i n copper level and
  The vibration characteristics of the hybrid laminated plates with various thicknesses of core materials under various boundary edge conditions are investiga
【摘 要】贺江水污染事件唤醒了贺州人民和各级政府的生态环保意识,发展生态健康产业,实现绿色崛起已成为贺州各级政府的共识。文章分析了贺生态健康旅游发展的背景、条件,提出了贺州发展生态健康旅游产业的对策和措施,以期为贺州经济社会发展和新型城镇化建设提供借鉴。  【关键词】生态健康旅游;贺州;对策  贺州市位于广西东部,地处湘、粤、桂三省(区)结合部,东与广东省清远市、肇庆市毗邻。贺州市总面积11855
1 拟定疫点调查处理程序,便于流调人员遵章操作 2 制定疫点调查质量标准,便于管理人员检查 2.1 时间要求:迅速及时。甲类传染病和乙类传染病中危害性大的疾病要求立即调查处
1997年10月的米兰时装周上,多纳泰拉第一次以范思哲公司首席设计师的身份登上T台,推出了自己主持的新系列。这也就意味着,多纳泰拉将成为带领VERSACE走出阴霾的头号人物。 A
桥是个固定建筑物,一经造成,便屹立大地,可以千载不移,把它当作地面标志,应当是再准确不过的。《史记·苏秦列传》里有段故事:“信如尾生,与女子期于梁下,女子不来,水至不去,抱柱而死”,就因为桥下相会,地点是没有错的,桥是不会动的。但是这里所谓不动,是指大动而言,至于小动、微动,它却是和万物一般,是继续不断,分秒不停的。  车在桥上过,它的重量就使桥身变“形”,从平直的桥身变为弯曲的桥身,就同人坐在板
本文采用L_9(3~4)正交试验法,研究了滑菇液体培养基中不同C/N、pH、硫酸镁和磷酸二氢钾配比对滑菇菌丝产量的影响,从中筛选出四因素的最佳组合为:C/N 20:1、硫酸镁0.08%、磷酸