中美双方终于就中国加入 WTO 达成了协议,这是一件值得欢呼的事情。从1986年7月中国政府正式向《关税和贸易总协定》总干事提交“恢复关贸总协定缔约国地位”的申请以来,经过数十次谈判,黑头发谈成了白头发,TT 更名为 WTO 已5年了,中国“复关”、“入世”之事均因以美国为首的主要缔约方的苛刻条件而悬而不决。13年过去了,今天,中国“入世”的最大障碍拆除了。眼望着对中国开启的“经济联合国”的大门,中国人终于可以吁一口气,面对即将“入世”的现实,清点一下,我们能得得什么,还将面对什么。
It is a cheering thing that both China and the United States have finally reached an agreement on China’s accession to the WTO. Since the Chinese government formally submitted its application to the Director General of Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in July 1986 for resuming the status of a signatory to the GATT, after decades of negotiations, the black hair became white-haired and the TT changed its name It has been five years since the WTO was ratified. The “restoration of the status quo” and the “WTO accession” to China are all inconclusive due to the harsh conditions of the major U.S.-led parties. Thirteen years have passed. Today, the biggest obstacle to China’s accession to the WTO is removed. Looking at the door to China’s “economic United Nations”, the Chinese can finally take a deep breath and face the reality of imminent “WTO accession.” To find out what we can and what we will face in the face of reality.