
来源 :宁夏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snmn777
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“引导探究式”教学法要求教师在进行本学科有思考价值的课题教学中,创设问题情境,为学生提供必要的资料和实践条件,帮助学生提出假设,让学生通过资料的搜集或动手实践来验证假设,并依照探求未知领域知识的途径与方法,通过发现问题、提出问题、分析问题、创造性的解决问 The “guided inquiry” teaching method requires teachers to create problem situations in the subject teaching of thinking value, to provide students with the necessary information and practical conditions to help students make assumptions, so that students through the collection of information or hands-on practice to Verify the hypothesis, and in accordance with the ways and means to explore unknown domain knowledge, by finding problems, asking questions, analyzing problems, and creative solutions