一个家庭出16名篮球选手,是不是有点不可思议?这在华夏大地上都是极为罕见的事情,可四川女排选手陈静就出自这样一个篮球世家。她偏偏是这个家庭中唯一的排球选手,并多次入选国家队。 对排球情的独钟 陈静的父母亲都是篮球运动员,父母的兄弟姐妹也都是篮球运动员,再加
A family out of 16 basketball players, is not it a bit weird? This is a very rare event on the Chinese mainland, Sichuan women’s volleyball player Chen Jing can come from such a basketball family. She happens to be the only volleyball player in the family, and has repeatedly selected the national team. Passionate love of volleyball fans are both basketball players, parents and brothers and sisters are also basketball players, plus