Valence electron structure of cast iron and graphltization behaviour criterion of elements

来源 :Science in China,Ser.A | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wusic
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The valence electron structure of common alloy elements in phases of cast iron is calculated- The relationship between the electron structure of alloy elements and equilibrium, non-equilibrium solidification and graphitization is revealed by defining the bond energy of the strongest bond in a phase as structure formation factor S. A criterion of graphitization behaviour of elements is advanced with the critical value of the structure formation factor of graphite and the n of the strongest covalent bond in cementite. It is found that this theory conforms to practice very well when the criterion is applied to the common alloy elements. The valence electron structure of common alloy elements in phases of cast iron is calculated- The relationship between the electron structure of alloy elements and equilibrium, non-equilibrium solidification and graphitization is revealed by defining the bond energy of the strongest bond in a phase as structure formation factor S. A criterion of graphitization behavior of elements is advanced with the critical value of the structure formation factor of graphite and the n of the strongest covalent bond in cementite. It is found that this theory conforms to practice very well when the criterion is applied to the common alloy elements
噪声危害人体健康,也给人们的生活增添烦恼。然而,科技的进步却给人类创造了“利用噪声,造福社会”的可能。 Noise endanger human health, but also to people’s lives to
陈宝仓,字自箴,河北省遵化县大辛庄人,出生于1900年农历三月初六,自幼勤学好问、聪明过人。他以优异的成绩读完中学后,因家庭经济拮据而弃文从武,考入河北清河军官预备学校。两年后以优秀的成绩转入保定陆军军官学校九期工兵科,1923年毕业后即在国民党军队服役,屡建军功,升至中将。  1937年初,陈宝仓出任中央军校武汉分校教育长兼武汉城防指挥所主任,负责武汉防务。  1938年春,陈宝仓率部参加安徽宣
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