讲好中国故事 彰显中国精神——第24届电视文艺“星光奖”获奖作品巡礼与感悟

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如果仅从获奖数量来看,第24届全国电视文艺“星光奖”堪称历届最少,最终获得大奖的作品只有14部。但令人欣慰的是,评奖活动中有数量、缺质量的问题在一定程度上得到纠正,包括获得提名荣誉在内的70部作品均可圈可点,较准确地反映了2013—2015年中国电视文艺的创新发展轨迹。一、抗战胜利70周年时间节点上全景式、史诗般的电视呈现2015年是中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年,伟大的抗战精神和中国人民 If only from the number of winning point of view, the 24th National Television Arts “Starlight Awards ” called the least ever, the final award-winning works only 14. However, it is gratifying to note that the quantity and lack of quality in the awarding activities have been rectified to some extent. The 70 works including the honor of nomination are highly commendable and accurately reflect the achievements of China in 2013-2015 Innovation of TV Arts track. I. Panorama of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Panorama of Epic TV 2015 is the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. The great anti-Japanese war and the Chinese people
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