Chairman Mao Zedong of the People’s Republic of China convened the highest state council on the afternoon of the 25th to discuss the draft outline of the national agricultural development proposed by the CPC Central Committee from 1956 to 1967. Chairman Mao Zedong addressed the meeting. He said that at present our country is at the height of the great socialist revolution. The founding of the People’s Republic of China marked the transition of the Chinese revolution from the stage of bourgeois democratic revolution to the stage of socialist revolution, that is, the transitional period from capitalism to socialism. In the past six years, the first three years of work have mainly been the restoration of the national economy and the unfinished social reforms in the previous revolution, mainly the land reform. Since last summer, the socialist transformation, that is, the socialist revolution has been carried out on a very large scale and to a very profound degree. About three years later, the socialist revolution can be basically completed nationwide