In this paper, 46 cases of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) patients with continuous morphological and cytogenetic studies. Forty-six cases of FAB were classified as: refractory anemia (RA) 25 cases, acquired unexplained aneurysmal cell anemia (AISA) 11 cases, RA with excess blasts (RAEB) 5 cases, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia 3 cases of CMML and 2 cases of RAEBt were considered to develop acute myeloid leukemia (AML) when their myeloid granulocytes> 30%. Follow-up time of at least 4 months, each case made at least 3 times bone marrow cell morphology and cytogenetic examination. Except one case of low dose cytarabine treated more than one year (1 day) more than one year before the change to AML, all other cytostatics were not treated during the follow-up period. RESULTS: Twenty-one patients (45.5%) evolved into AML with two types of evolution: a) Eight patients (38% of the patients in this group) gradually increased bone marrow blasts and the median time to progression to AML was 28 months (range 5-62 Months), all of the 7 patients who underwent bone marrow biopsy had immature granulocyte precursors