In 2007, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), after careful consideration, finally rejected a rule requiring directors of directors nominated by the shareholders to be recorded on the company’s ballot papers. This article attempts to clarify the impact of this veto. On the one hand, the SEC’s rejection of the shareholder rights movement seems to be a heavy blow. This is because many advocates for shareholder rights have long regarded the use of company votes as a “Holy Grail” to reinforce shareholder rights movements. These advocates believe that the use of company ballots is crucial to ensure that shareholders are legally involved in the company’s election process and affect the company’s affairs. On the other hand, some corporate experts argue that the SEC’s veto should not be seen as a major setback. These experts insisted that the use of a power of attorney for participation in the system of director nominations as a necessary condition for shareholder influence failed to recognize the importance of recent developments such as the success of the absolute majority rule and the adoption of the rules of electronic proxy. Because these developments provide shareholders with alternative ways of influencing corporate affairs, some may even argue that these developments make it irrelevant to use company counsel for nomination of directors. Indeed, after earnestly studying the impact of these developments and critically examining the use of company power of attorney to participate in the nomination of directors to make shareholder efforts to improve corporate governance, the article concludes that while other tools may prove useful, they are not alone in strengthening shareholder rights It can not be more effective than participating in a director’s nomination with a company proxy. In this regard, the future shareholder democracy movement must remain committed to using the company proxy to participate in the nomination of directors for this historic battle.