一、单项选择题 每小题1分,共18分(在每小题的备选答案中选出一个正确的答案,并将其号码写在题干后面的○内) 1.女性肾盂肾炎最常见的感染途径是……○ ①血行播散 ②淋巴漫延 ③周围脏器漫延④上行感染 ⑤以上均不是 2.中毒呼气中有苦杏仁味的是……………○ ①酒精 ②氰化物 ③一氧化碳 ④有机磷农药 ⑤棉子 3.克雷白杆菌肺炎痰性质是……………○ ①铁锈色痰 ②脓血痰 ③棕红色胶冻样痰④白色泡沫状痰 ⑤黄色脓痰 4.肝硬化肝功能减退的临床表现是………○ ①脾大 ②腹水 ③出血倾向 ④食道静脉曲张 ⑤痔核形成 5.心源性休克的常见原因是………………○ ①急性心肌梗塞 ②心肌炎 ③肥厚性心肌病④先天性心脏病房间隔缺损 ⑤室上性心动过速 6.急进性肾炎的病因主要是………………○
First, the individual multiple-choice questions 1 point for each small question, a total of 18 points (in each small question of the answer to choose one of the correct answer, and the number written in the back of the title ○) 1. Female pyelonephritis The common route of infection is ... ○ ① blood dissemination ② lymphatic spread ③ the spread of the surrounding organs ④ up infection ⑤ none of the above 2. poisoning in the breath of apricot is ............... ○ ① alcohol ② cyanide ③ carbon monoxide ④ organophosphorus pesticides ⑤ cotton seed 3. Klebsiella pneumonia sputum nature is ............... ○ ① rust sputum ② pus and blood sputum ③ brown red jelly-like sputum ④ white foam-like sputum ⑤ yellow purulent sputum 4. The clinical manifestations of liver cirrhosis with liver dysfunction are ......... ○ ① splenomegaly ② ascites ③ bleeding tendency ④ esophageal varices ⑤ hemorrhoids formation 5. common causes of cardiogenic shock is .................. ○ ① acute myocardial infarction ② Myocarditis ③ hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ④ congenital heart disease atrial septal defect ⑤ supraventricular tachycardia 6. The cause of acute nephritis is mainly .................. ○