盛夏时节,天气燥热,人的情绪更容易烦躁。不妨动手在居室内作些安排,自己营造一个清新凉爽的夏天。 夏天来到之前全面打扫一下居室,该收的东西(如棉絮、棉衣等)要全部收进橱内,有条件的话,要移动调整会影响室内通风的家俱,以保持室内有足够的自然风。还可用轻薄织物换下较厚实的铺设饰物。冷色调的色彩,能让人感到舒适爽凉,因此,用淡绿、浅蓝、瓦灰、乳白等色彩装饰墙面、天花板、窗帘、沙发套等,可令人觉得心荡气爽。如果在墙上贴些有冰霜、积雪之类画面的风景画,能使人产生一种“望寒
Summer season, hot weather, people’s emotions more easily irritable. May wish to make some arrangements in the bedroom, to create a fresh and cool summer. Before summer, clean the living room completely. The collected things (cotton, cotton, etc.) should be fully collected into the cupboard. If necessary, the adjustment will affect the indoor ventilation of the furniture so as to maintain a sufficient natural wind in the room. Thick fabric can also be used to replace thicker decorative accessories. Cool colors make people feel comfortable and refreshing. Therefore, it is refreshing to decorate walls, ceilings, curtains and sofa covers with light green, light blue, tile gray and milky white. If you paste some of the walls with frost, snow and the like pictures of the landscape, can produce a "looking cold