Comparison of Body Languages in Chinese and American Culture

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  Body language is related to culture, which serves for communication and can make people communicate effectively and smoothly. People with different culture background have their own system of expressing body language in communication. However, because of some similar common customs between the American and Chinese, there appear some same body languages with the same meanings. But because of different cultures, they may cause misunderstandings or even conflicts in Sino-American intercultural communication.
  1. The Same Body Languages with the Same Meanings
  Both American and Chinese people have thousands of body languages; they speak, eat, decorate and dress differently. But they still have many similar body languages in daily life such as happiness, anger, sadness etc. Therefore, it is not difficult for American and Chinese to understand each other. In this part, here are the reasons of the body languages conveying the same meanings in Chinese and American cultures.
  1.1 Facial Expressions
  Face is the most expressive part of our body. In interpersonal communication, we depend on facial expressions when we make important judgments. Facial movements can express emotion. The seven basic emotions are happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, anger, disgust and interest. American and Chinese people almost express the basic emotions in the similar way. So it is easy for American and Chinese to guess the meaning of a body movement from his or her face.
  1.2 Gestures
  Gestures are the movement and manners of a part of body especially our hands and heads. It is not difficult for Chinese and Americans to interpret the meanings of the gestures in communication. For example, the gesture of nodding head up and down in both Chinese and American culture means “yes”, and the gesture of shaking head from side to side means “no”; the movement of waving hands from side to side to Chinese and American both means saying goodbye.
  1.3 Postures
  “Posture is a matter of how people sit, walk, stand and move.” It is usual to observe both in China and America that individuals usually use a relaxed posture such as falling into chairs or slouch when watching TV or having fun.
  There are same body languages with the same meaning in China and America even when they are clouded and confused by racial, cultural or political difference. We believe the reason is that both Chinese and American people have the same basic needs.   2. The Same Body Languages with Different Meanings
  Body languages between Chinese and Americans are much related to the culture, history, religion, race etc. Just as the proverb says “do as the Romans do”, it is necessary to pay attention to the same body languages with the different meanings. This part focuses on the studies of the same facial expressions, gestures, and postures, which has different meanings in Chinese and American cultures respectively.
  2.1 Facial Expressions
  There are differences between Americans and Chinese using facial expressions. For example, Chinese people cover mouth with hand to whisper or to prevent the spill or spittle, while American do the same action is to cover up lies. Americans tend to show their openness and friendliness by smiling. However, Chinese do not smile a lot as American do. Chinese People believe smiling has the negative meaning in addition to the positive meanings. While Americans usually enjoy a very heartfelt laugh coming from their deepest emotions.
  2.2 Gestures
  People from China and America have a lot of same gestures with different significances in certain contexts. For example, patting on head means differently in Chinese and American culture. Chinese adults patting the head of children show their affection to the children; but patting the head of a teenager or an adult is not so acceptable in China for it may cause displeasure and mistake for insulting. While Americans’ patting on other’s head is just for giving comfort or encouragement and sometimes also for showing affection.
  2.3 Postures
  Sitting posture often brings some misunderstandings between the communication of Chinese and Americans. According to Chinese tradition, people who are sitting have more important status than those who stand. So we usually see the situation on TV that Monarch sitting and officer standing, father sitting and son standing, leader sitting and employee standing and so on. But in America, people who have the right to charge others tend to stand, because they think that the standing indicates their high status.
  3. Conclusion
  The study of body language in Chinese and America culture can make Chinese and American people understand others very well. Even though the cultural background and the history of China and American is apparently different and it is hard for people to master all the body language for its complexity, it can improve our abilities to learn the differences and similarities of body language which has been pointed out by many researchers of Chinese and American.
  [1] “Body Language.” Collins English Dictionary, 2010.
  [2] “Body Language.” The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed, 2011.
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导演(Director):  史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)  主演(Starring):  泰尔·谢里丹(Tye Sheridan)  奥利维亚·库克(Olivia Cooke)  本·门德尔森(Ben Mendelsohn)  西蒙·佩吉(Simon Pegg)  马克·里朗斯(Mark Rylance)  类型(Type):  动作/冒险/科幻(Action/Adve
随着新课程改革的日益深化,初中英语课堂发生了巨大的变化。教师们不断地突破传统课堂上“教师讲,学生听”的机械呆板模式,结合英语课程的特点,引入了丰富多彩的学习活动,为学生积极参与英语学习构建了良好的平台,促进了课堂交流,实现了语言知识信息的多向传递,充分锻炼了学生的英语表达能力,为英语课堂增添了活力。本文将结合实例具体探讨英语活动化教学。  1. 结合教学内容,创设活动情境  活动化教学是一种动态的
受传统教学模式和方法的局限,当前高中英语教学效率普遍低下,学生的学习兴趣、学习积极性和主动性没有被调动起来,使得英语学习沦为单纯的记忆背诵。为此,必须在高中这一关键阶段对英语教学方式进行改革创新,这就要求教师发挥引导作用,根据学生的身体素质、心理状态、思维活跃程度和学习理解能力等实际情况,落实以学生为中心的原则进行教学,从而切实提高英语教学质量。  1. 以学生为中心的高中英语教学应解决的问题  
当下,教育改革不断深化,要求学校在教学过程中要重视综合素质人才的培养,英语在初中教育初级阶段有着重要的地位,对于英语学科,好的教育模式可以大大提高学生自主学习能力,也促进了学生情商的发展。由于传统教育理念的影响,大多数教师只着眼于传授书本上的知识,而忽视了学生自身对知识的理解、掌握和应用,还有学生在课堂上的感受,因此,将情智共生的理念引入初中英语课堂教学中是非常有必要的。1. 情智课堂是一个“情感
在经济的发展下,我国与国际交流的机会逐渐增多,为保证在交流中促成合作,我国对人才的英语素质有更高的要求。而初中英语是学生学习英语的关键时期,教师在教学中运用综合实践课落实英语教学,而语言项目学习具有强化实践教学的作用。因此,笔者对初中英语综合实践课背景下的语言项目学习具体落实措施进行了详细的分析。  1. 做好项目准备阶段工作  语言项目学习中,准备工作具有非常重要的作用。语言项目学习准备阶段的工
英语写作教学是高中英语教学的重要内容,基于学科核心素养视角组织开展高中英语写作教学活动是新时期高中英语写作教学改革和优化的重要思路和途径,也是提升高中英语写作教学品质的重要措施。基于此,本文对学科素养视角下高中英语课堂构建的相关内容进行了分析和探究,以期为新时期的高中英语写作教学开展提供一定的参考。1. 高中英语学科核心素养的相关内容分析  学科核心素养是近年来各门学科教育教学活动的重要指导理念,
引言  在初中阶段,使学生学好英语的重要阶段,初中英语课堂是否能够达到有效性的決定因素是学生的学习兴趣,由于英语学科的单调性与枯燥性,在整个教学过程中,如果教师不采取一定的措施做出改变,久而久之,学生就会在对英语学科失去兴趣,甚至还会出现抵触心理。所以为了提高英语课堂的趣味性,教师在实际教学过程中应该合理运用情感教育法对学生进行教育,可以更好地引导学生学习英语,进而强化初中英语学习的有效性。本文以