相信大家都有过这样的经历: 当初很喜欢的某件衣服,或者某个玩具,现在看看已经不新鲜了,但这东西还八成新,扔了吧, 舍不得:不扔吧,旧的不去新的不来,占地方。“要是可以把它捐给需要它、喜欢它的人就好了。”也许你曾经这样想过。最近,长宁区华阳街道辖区内的江苏北路88号4搂就“悄悄”开张了这样一家“爱心超市”:你可以把还有八成新(百分百新就更好)的东西捐到这里,那些喜欢这样东西的青少年就可以用自己的东西来换——就象原始人“以物易物”一样。这样做的好处是:此处之“鸡肋”彼处之“宝贝”,既解决了相对富裕家庭捐献无门的问题,又避免了困难家庭孩子接受捐赠的尴尬。“‘爱心超市’是依托社区青年中心建立,以扶助社区内困难家庭子女、避域务工青年及其子女等青少年群体为主要服务内容的社区富余生活物资流通场所。使居民及社会各界的捐赠义举落到实处,实现其资助社区困难青少年的愿望。”该街道团工委副书记(主持工作)毛毅这样说。
I believe we have had such an experience: the original favorite piece of clothing, or a toy, now have a look is not new, but this thing is still fresh, throw it, reluctantly: do not throw it, the old do not Not new to the place. “If it can be donated to people who need it, who like it.” Maybe you’ve thought about it before. Recently, 4 hug on 88 North Jiangsu Road, Huayang Street, Changning District, quietly opened such a “love supermarket”: you can donate 80% of the new (100% new and better) Here, teens who like it can do it their own - just like the original “barter.” The advantage of doing so is that the “baby” here is the “baby”, which not only solves the problem of relative rich families donating money but also avoids the embarrassment of poor families and children receiving donations. “Charity Supermarket” is a community circulation center for living resources based on community youth centers to help disadvantaged children in the community, youths and other children who avoid their work as their main service content, making donations to residents and the community Implement it and fulfill its aspirations of subsidizing disadvantaged young people in the community. "Mao Yi, deputy secretary of the Street Youth League Working Committee, said: