荷兰足球巨星“三剑客”之一、有“辫王”之称的路德·古利特日前同英格兰切尔西队签约两年,转会费225万美元。 这是一个不大不小的爆炸性新闻,对于桑普多利亚的球迷,以至于整个意大利直至整个世界成千上万喜爱、欣赏、崇拜这位绿茵场上的大师的球迷来说,都有这样的感觉。 切尔西队数年来一直被人们称之为已过巅峰期的世界级球星的“养老地”,然而,对于古利特的球迷来讲,谁会承认这位阿姆斯特丹的低音吉他手已“人老珠黄”了呢? 古利特本人就向喜爱自己的球迷打了保票:“那些人理解错了,我说想多点时间在伦敦听听音乐会只是向他们开个玩笑”,古利特如是说。
Luther Gulit, one of the Dutch soccer superstar “Three Musketeers” who has the title of “Braid King”, has signed a two-year contract with England’s Chelsea for a transfer fee of 2.25 million U.S. dollars. This is a small but explosive news story for fans of Sampdoria and thousands of fans who love, admire, and admire the master on the field from Italy to the rest of the world a feeling of. For years, Chelsea have been described as the “pension” for world-class stars who have passed their peak. However, for Gullit’s fans, who admits that Amsterdam’s bass guitarist has become a “golden star” Gulit himself made a ticket to his beloved fans: “Those people misunderstood, and I said that it would be a joke if I wanted more time in London to hear the concert,” Gulit said.