甲状舌管癌(thyroglossal duct carainoma,TDCa)是发生在甲状舌管残余或甲状舌管囊肿(thyroglossal duct cyst,TDC)内的一种较为罕见的恶性肿瘤~[1]。自1911年Brentamo等~[2]首次报道以来,全世界共报道200余例,国内报道较少,均以个案报道为主~[3~8]。本文报道1例甲状舌管乳头状癌,结合文献对其病例特点、临床诊断及治疗方法进行讨论。
Thyroglossal ductal carainoma (TDCa) is a relatively rare malignancy in thyroglossal or thyroglossal duct cyst (TDC). Since the first report by Brentamo et al. [2] in 1911, more than 200 cases have been reported in the world, with few reports in the country, all of which are reported mainly through individual cases [3-8]. This article reports a case of thyroglossal papillary carcinoma, combined with the literature on the case characteristics, clinical diagnosis and treatment are discussed.