齐齐哈尔市粮油食品科学研究所,是在一个建所时间不长,经费短缺,人力不多的情况下成长起来的。1992年被评为全省“科技兴粮”杯赛金杯奖。 这个研究所,它能为科技兴粮做出突出贡献的主要原因是,十年来他们本着发扬艰苦奋斗精神,按照全国科技大会指示精神,坚持为粮食经济服务的宗旨,在改革中求发展,沿着科工贸一体化道路前进,为国家创造了经济效益和社会效益。它们的奋斗成长过程,可以做为我们学习的借鉴和工作中的参照。所以在当前社会主义市场经济下,特介绍这篇文章。
The Qiqihar Cereals, Oils and Foods Research Institute grew up with a short time of construction, shortage of funding, and low human resources. In 1992, he was awarded the Golden Cup Award for the “Science and Technology Food” Cup. The main reason for this institute’s ability to make outstanding contributions to grain for science and technology is that in the past ten years, they have been adhering to the spirit of arduous struggle, following the instructions of the National Science and Technology Conference, and persisting in the purpose of serving the food economy, seeking development in the reform. Along the road of integration of industry, trade and trade, it has created economic and social benefits for the country. Their struggle for growth can be used as a reference for our learning and reference in our work. Therefore, in the current socialist market economy, this article is introduced.