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邓小平同志是伟大的爱国主义者。《邓小平文选》第三卷的时间跨度是10年(1982──1992),这10年是中国进行改革的关键时期,也是邓小平同志对国家、民族贡献最突出的时期。他在这一期间的讲话、著作当然也是形成最能体现自己爱国主义思想体系的载体。这个思想体系的构成要素之一,就是热爱人民,叫做爱国与爱民的同一性。 国家和人民在逻辑学上不是同一概念。但是,国家是由民族、人民组成的。民为邦本,爱民为治国之先。根据历史唯物主义的科学原理,人民是历史的主人,是国家的主人。“人民,只有人民,才是创造世界历史的动力。”(《毛泽东选集》第2版第3卷第1031页)国家是人民创造的,全心全意为人民服务是中国共产党人的宗旨,也是爱国主义的核心。热爱中国人民,是邓小平同志爱国主义思想产生的根源。他曾在多种场合下说过:“我是中国人民的儿子。我深情地爱着我的祖国和人民。”(英国培格曼出版公司出版的英文版《〈邓小平文选〉·序言》) 救民于水火,是邓小平同志走上革命道路的动力。本世纪初期,是旧中国最黑暗、最动荡的年代,邓小平同志生长在这样的年代,对当政者的腐败、无能所造成的民不聊生局面有深切体会,对我国近代史上的丧权辱国有切肤之痛。正如邓榕说的;“他们怀着拯救国家的热望,冲破 Comrade Deng Xiaoping is a great patriot. The span of the third volume of the Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping was 10 years (1982-1992), a crucial period for China’s reform and the most prominent period in which Comrade Deng Xiaoping contributed to the country and nation. His speeches and writings during this period certainly form the carrier of the system that best embodies his own patriotism. One of the components of this ideological system is the love of the people, called the identity of patriotism and love of the people. Countries and peoples are not logically the same concept. However, the state is made up of ethnic groups and people. People for the state, love people for the rule of the country. According to the scientific principle of historical materialism, the people are the masters of history and the masters of the country. “The people and the people alone are the driving forces behind the creation of a world history.” (Selected Works of Mao Zedong, 2nd Edition, Vol. 3, p.1031) The state is created by the people and serving the people wholeheartedly is the purpose of the Chinese Communists and also patriotism Core. To love the Chinese people is the root cause of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s patriotism. He has said on many occasions: “I am the son of the Chinese people, and I have a deep affection for my motherland and the people.” (The English version of “The Selected Readings of Deng Xiaoping” by Pergamon Press, UK Preface) Saving the people by floods is the driving force of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s embarking on the road to revolution. The early years of this century were the darkest and most turbulent times in old China. Comrade Deng Xiaoping was born in this era and deeply understands the unhealthy conditions caused by the corrupt and incompetent people in power. It is a painful affair to remorse and humiliate the nation in our country’s modern history. Just as Deng Rong said; "They break through with the aspiration of saving the country
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