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Loess of China, regardless of its ageexhibites similarity in the surface textures of silt quartz grains, all of them having conchoidal fractures, flat cleavage
The technique of differential thermal analysis is widely used to investigate dispersed organic matters present in sedimentary rocks in an attempt to interprete
The nomenclature of intermediate and acid volcanic rocks presently used is based principally upon mineral association and the correlation between bulk chemistry
<正> 闭合性颈段气管损伤并不多见,据李迈群统计1965~1984年54例喉气管外伤中仅1例。查阅我院1970~1990年的病例资料发现2例,现予报告。例1:男,26岁,因跌伤颈部三天伴呼吸
<正> 原发性肝癌为消化道四大肿瘤之一,其死亡率仅次于胃癌及食道癌。1976年发病率统计为16.16/10万人口。男多于女(2~5∶1)。发病年龄以40~49岁为高。世界各国有明显的差异,高